We don’t pretend to be experts in mental health, but we do know how stressful event management can be. Events organizers have some of the highest rates of burnout of all professionals–with some even calling the industry’s burnout issue an “epidemic.”
It’s highly likely there are many in the industry who need a little support and advice. Luckily there are myriad places you can turn to for tips, strategies, and support.
We’ve pulled together some of the best we’ve come across in the hope we can signpost someone who needs help to the right place.
This is a free downloadable booklet full of tips, ideas, and activities to support anyone who’s experiencing challenging times. The toolkit follows their C.A.L.M.E.R. approach; Consider, Acknowledge, Listen, Manage, Enable, Resource.
Is it Stress or is it Anxiety? The NIMH has put together an article and fact sheet to help you explore whether you’re experiencing stress or anxiety and how to manage and cope with either.
Another free downloadable booklet full of practical tips and strategies. The booklet guides you through creating your own toolkit, helping you tailor it to what works best for you.
This incredible resource library has material on everything and anything related to mental health. If it exists, it’s in here somewhere. There’s a combination of guides, toolkits, online communities, databases, and more.
Another great library of apps, worksheets, and more all related to different areas of mental health.
There are so many places you can go to for help, so make sure you spend time on promoting your mental wellbeing–it’s just as important as your physical health.
If you have the capacity to do so, be sure to check in on those around you as well. We’re all in this together.